
Showing posts from August, 2014


Recent events, have made me realize the things for which I was criticized when I was 10 are the same things for which I am being criticized now. The responses I had towards those criticism are stonewalling or hatred or laughing it off. At the time of criticism, I thought the responses were appropriate. But when I look in retrospective, I kind of doubt myself whether I really have some problems and I have been defending those problems rather than trying to correct them. But still the way I was criticized for the particular thing was exactly the same way I was criticized when I was 10 years. The astonishing thing is that even after 13 years, I have not been able to get rid of those critics in my life and even when I go to a new place, those critics appear in different persons. So, this is to all the critics, trying to change me, pull me down, you are warned.

Creator and Creation

After watching a movie, a question came to my mind. I have watched movies and am astonished by the brilliance of them. So the question that I am having now, is which is greater the creator or the creation? When a director, creates a movie he tries to make a perfect movie as he perceives. So according to his thought, the movie is perfect object/being. But as we all know that the director is not perfect but he created something perfect as he perceives. So movie should be greater. But the movie will not be there if the director was not there, so director should be greater. So now I am caught in a loop hole argument from which I can't come out.